I’m a curious and tech-nerd cyber security student. I started building computers and tinkering with technology at a young age, even venturing into some not entirely legal activities, simply because I wanted to explore what was possible. Sometimes thinking a way Outside-the-Box is critical. I’m a self-learner, creative thinker, and problem-solver.
Cobalt Strike, Nmap, Nessus, Hashcat, JohnTheRipper, Metasploit, Kali Linux, Windows, Mac, Burpsuite, OWASP Zap, VMs, Bash, Python, VBA, Go, DeHashed, Active Directory, Responder, Ldap, NTLM, Bloodhound, crackmapexec, Hashes, Kerberoasting, Mimikatz, Assetfinder, Amass, Httprobe, SqlMap, OpenVas, WPScan, TCPDump, PowerShell, Pass the Ticket, PsExec, EvilWinRM, Cracking and Password Spraying, Phishing Campaigns, Password Policy, Open-Source Intelligence, Information Gathering Tools, Maltego, TheHarvester, TinyEye, Sublist3r, Nikto, Hydra and much more.. (to come).
Future Projects
- Building a Rubber Ducky
- Building a Wifi Hacking Tool with ESP32
- Building a Webinterface with Flask
Future of Cyber Security
I want to look deeper into Cyber Warfare, from Offensive Security to PsyOps and Malware Analysis.
How Cyberwarfare Actually Works
You are in Cyberwar
What makes Isreal so good at Hacking?